17 Week Pregnancy Update

June 3, 2021

Hey guys! I wanted to use this blog to document not only my favorite things, but my favorite life events too. With that said, starting now I will try my best to keep a virtual diary of my pregnancy. With each blog post, I’ll share how the week’s went, what I’ve been craving most, the symptoms I’ve had, and of course — a bump photo. I’m excited to share my journey with you and have this to look back to when we have our bundle of joy earth-side!

In January of 2021, Grant and I found out I was pregnant. I cried (out of overwhelm and hormones, I’m sure) and Grant told me he was excited for this adventure. We were both excited and a little caught off guard, I think. But God’s greatest gifts come when you least expect them.

Since then, we have been juggling planning a wedding and OB doctor’s appointments. It’s been a crazy few months!! But I wouldn’t have it any other way, frankly.

As we adjust to lots of life changes, we are reminded to take one day at a time. And I think that’s the best way to go about all of this (or anything, really). So, here I am, taking it one day at a time but still feeling like a ball of crumpled, scribbled on paper most days (aka a hot-mess haha), but grateful for the chaos none-the-less. I think having this space to write down what’s happening and how I’m feeling will be cathartic for me as well as act as a nice memento one day, when we’re out of the thick of it.

What’s Up with Baby DeWoody

This week baby is as big as an onion… crazy!! About 5 oz in weight and about 5 inches in length. He or she is practicing suckling, gaining body fat, and can now hear our voices (among other things). At 15 weeks, I felt the baby move for the first time! I swear it. I know that’s pretty early, and my OB was even skeptical. But when we used the heartbeat doppler, baby was in the exact place I had felt him or her move. It was a deep, subtle rolling feeling (as if baby was rolling over) and unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I’ve felt it just a handful of times since, but I’m so excited for the movement to be more regular!

What I’ve Been Craving

Since the start, I haven’t had very many cravings. But I have continuously thought about KFC mashed potatoes (still haven’t had any yet though haha) and I have been loving frozen fruit — especially frozen grapes — or anything with cheese on it. String cheese has been one of my favorite snacks. For a while, I was really into veggie sandwiches too. I wanted one every day for lunch… but not so much now.

Symptoms I’ve Had

Luckily, I haven’t had very many pregnancy symptoms from the start either. I was pretty tired the first trimester, and still get easy tired. I haven’t had much nausea either. But I do some days feel gaggy, especially when brushing my teeth. Other than that, constipation/bloated-ness is something I’d struggled with late in the first trimester. Now, I seem to get pretty bad headaches that stick around for at least two days. I haven’t had more than a handful, but when I do get one it’s not so fun. I’m grateful to be working from home for the most part, because I can take time to rest if I need it. I’ve also had the occasional round ligament pain, typically only if I am lying down and suddenly laugh or move though.

Products I’ve Been Loving

I have been loving my hydroflask to keep up on water intake. I’ve also loved the two prenatal vitamins I’ve taken, Smarty Pants and Olly. I wouldn’t usually opt for a gummy vitamin because of the ingredients (usually corn syrup/extra sugar or coloring is added) but the ingredients in those two weren’t so bad and I figured a gummy is more pleasing to take on the days my gag reflex is more sensitive. And my favorite products so far, my hot-cold compress and epsom salt for migraine days! I keep the compress in the freezer, and it feels so nice to keep on my neck or over my head when I’m down with a headache. I’ve also found a warm bath with epsom salt helps SO much in kicking a migraine. I don’t love to reach for Tylenol, so the salt has been a great natural remedy. OH, and my peppermint oil has been a life saver. Headache, nausea, or tiredness… a sniff from the bottle makes me feel so much better.

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Amanda is a California native working as a graphic designer in the Temecula Valley area. She brings the spirit of the West Coast to all of her projects. Her design style can be described as "elevated contemporary" with a mix of both modern minimalism and refined detail. She has a keen sense of visual balance, disciplined constraint, and color and typography usage. It's her personal design philosophy that every creative decision should be a strategic one, and she ensures each design decision she makes and project she works on is balanced in both artistic style and creative strategy.

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